So how good is the wii?.....well lets put it it like this... Ever since its release last year the wii was always an underrated console. I was even skeptic about it when it was still in production, hell i remember when it was still called the Nintendo Revolution! though being the underdog Nintendo has finally reached equal market share with xbox leaving PS3 by itself and its overpriced ass. People always wondered which system to get and now a year after its release enough people and their family have discovered how fun it really is. now by saying this its easy to assume that I am an arrogant writer, writing all for the wii just because I own one, its true I'm not talking crap about the PS3 its just in terms of game play or graphics that's what the war is really about. Yesterday I was accused of not being a gamer, and even though I am, I shall let you know that you are a gamer as well if you believe it to be true. But going back to the wii, its in the running to becoming the next big thing, Microsoft has to be ready for the Rebirth of Nintendo. Once Super Smash Bros. comes out and you can quote me on this because I know its happening. The Wii is going to take over the market share and dominate the PS3 (even though it already is) and beat Xbox by the time the next next gen consoles come out. lets put it this way, other then Halo 3.....which came out in September, its a fun game, but can be very irritating at times due to some adjusted controls, match types and game variants that always are repeated and are not as fun as we all hoped it would be....I await the rise of Nintendo once again it will reign supreme over the video game world.....Along with Mario's new partner in crime......you know the blue guy!!!
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